LQPL - A Linear Quantum Programming Language

LQPL version 0.9.1 is now available

Main changes in this release

Various bug fixes, removal of dependency on Java forms.

Main changes in release 0.9.0

Source code

LQPL is available at BitBucket in a public git repository.

Source code(Haskell, JRuby): lqpl-server-0.9.1-source.tgz.

Mac / Apple executable and DMG installer

Linux and Windows Executables

lqpl-0.9.1-bin-x86_64-linux.tgz - Untar this to a directory of your choice, change to that directory and type: java -jar lqpl_gui.jar. This binary has been build on an Ubuntu system - and we have noted it does not work on the current Fedora 17 build. The LQPL wiki has instructions for building on Fedora 17.

Windows binary still remains to be done.


User documentation is in progress. A first version is included with the download and available separately: lqplManual.pdf

Additionally, you can look at my 2007 Masters thesis titled "Programming with a Quantum Stack": pdf 190 pages, 1M.

Last modified by Brett Giles
Last modified: 2013-11-14

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